Virtual PBX or mini PBX

If you compare a mini-PBX and Virtual PBX, it is easy to see the apparent advantages of the last. There are new opportunities for organizing office communications, and also a tremendous time and cost-savings

What is IP PBX?

IP PBX (Virtual PBX) is a cost-effective and efficient solution for business telephony building. A PBX server is installed on the provider side, and a client company receives all voice services via Internet.

The client can independently set up call control algorithms, connect IP phones and softphones to the system, set up call back and call tracking, as well as view statistics on calls.

Comparison. Advantages and disadvantages

  • Cost

    Savings on equipment

    Easy to set up by yourself


    Gateways / Headset

    Works via Internet

    No binding to address

    Easy scalability


    Regular software update

    You can connect several offices

    Free corporate communication

    Monitoring, statistics and analytics

    CRM integration


    All data is stored in a cloud

  • Cost

    The cost of a PBX - from 10 000 UAH

    Need a specialist to install and set up


    Phones and Switches

    Needs phone lines

    Numbers are binded to the address

    Extension is not possible


    Cannot be updated

    Need to buy an additional PBX

    Free only within 1 office

    Need a specialist to upload calls

    CRM integration is not possible


    With equipment damage, data is lost